About us
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Let me introduce myself and our team. My name is Josep Blasco, I am teacher at the Institut of Palamós (Spain) and, as coordinator of this project, I would like to tell you what is "Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future classroom". This is an Erasmus+ Project shared by four secondary schools from Palamós (Spain), Livorno (Italy), Larnaca (Cyprus) and Buzau (Romania), one primary school from Larnaca (Cyprus), one Teachers' Training Centre from Calda Da Rainha (Portugal) and one University from Girona (Spain).
Transmedia, is a project about new technologies in the school, about the best that these technologies bring to the schools and about the problems that the schools have to solve when they are not used in the proper way. In general, the project addresses the question of using technologies in school curriculum in the best and safest way, the creation and implementation of the appropriate tools to do that, the problems with licensed software and their availability to the schools and families of minor opportunities, either economical or social. We aim to lower the gap between education and technology, to engage our students in learning by using the technologies used outside school but in the best way possible. Most importantly, we aim to show that the concept of transmedia can be used in all subjects of the curriculum, horizontally and transversally, for a more holistic approach, because transmedia is communication.

Institut de Palamós

The 'Institut de Palamós' is a secondary education school, which is situated in a touristic area. We have compulsory secondary studies (12-16 years old), non compulsory (16-18) and professional technical studies. The school tries to provide after school activities on weekdays and weekends like theatre, foreign language, music and, especially through our sports club, to promote healthy values among young people.
Our school has a long experience in European projects (from 1996), to develop higher civic standards among our students and develop their sense of active citizens of a much larger community, which is Europe. The coordinator, in the last 8 years, has participated in 11 European projects (Comenius multilateral, Comenius-Grundtvig in-service training, Comenius preparatory meetings, eTwinning workshops and now Erasmus+).
Centro de Formação de Associação de Escolas Centro-Oeste
The Teachers Training Centre of the Association of Schools Centro-Oeste (CFAE), is a public entity for the Training and Certification of Professionals of the Portuguese Educational System. It includes the Schools from the municipalities of Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Óbidos and Peniche.
Among its objectives, with a special highlight on the support to the associated schools, are training necessities, aid on the elaboration of their training programmes, operacionalization and organization of continuous training of educational professionals and teachers evaluation.
It is also a recognized Training Centre by the national authorities on the development and certification of ITC competences.

Universitat de Girona

The University of Girona is a public institution devoted to excellence in teaching and research and to participating in the progress and development of society through the creation, transmission, dissemination and criticism of knowledge related to the sciences, technology, the humanities, the social sciences and the arts.
The University of Girona, deeply rooted in Catalonia and Catalan culture, is one of the primary economic and cultural motors of the region. At the same time, it pursues a vocation of universality and openness to all traditions and cultures.
The University, located in the city of Girona, is a part of the Catalan public university system.
Instituto Tecnico Industriale Statale 'Galileo Galilei'

Our school, Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale “Galileo Galilei”, was founded in 1887 as an arts and crafts school with the aim to help young people get a qualified job. Today it is one of the largest schools in our area, attended by 1500 students. It is a technical-scientific secondary school that offers six courses of study: Chemistry, Environmental and Health Biotechnologies, Mechanics, Informatics, Electro-Technologies and Electronics.
In the attempt to satisfy social requirements updated syllabus and courses have been added: Robotics, Telecommunications, Energy and Automation.
Our Institute occupies an area of 20,000 m2 where thirteen different buildings are used as classrooms, gyms, library, video-rooms, canteen and other didactic purposes. There are 33 different laboratories constantly used by departments in the didactic activities along the year. A wide range of activities is offered to widen our students’ education: international projects, study/job experiences, language and theatre courses. Our school organization includes also evening classes for adult/working students.
Pagkyprio Lykeio

The Pagkyprio Lykeio in Larnaka is a General Public Upper Secondary School located in the centre of the town. It is a small school which has no room to expand due to its location. This year only 407 students attend Pagkyprio Lykeio. The school offers students a variety of subjects to choose from. It is a three year education based on the choices students make from core lessons ( 2 hours per week) and stream lessons (6 hrs per week). The students either sit for the Pancyprian Exams organised by the Examinations Service of the Ministry of Education and Culture which are a pre-requisite for admission to Higher Education Institutions of Cyprus and Greece, or take other required exams to study in other European countries. The educational system offers a multidimensional high quality education. In order to cope with the changes and demands of the Cyprus society and the significant number of immigrants, the school has special teaching hours for immigrant students to help them integrate and eventually become proper students be entitled with a Lyceum Apolyterion.
Colegiul National 'B.P. Hasdeu'

Inaugurated in 1867, Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu College from Buzau, Romania has been a landmark of the Romanian education and today it hosts around 1,300 students ranging between the ages 11 and 19. Our students consider Hasdeu a thriving educational place, buzzing with international projects like Erasmus, Comenius or exchanges with partner schools from Germany or Holland, learning in departments like: Mathematics and Computers, Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, equipped with laboratories and classes that offers a peaceful but stimulating environment for learning It is not only this that makes them proud of their school, but also the fact that it reached the second place in a national ranking (2013) among all renowned high schools in the country and its former students are now members of famous universities all over the world.
Dimotiko Sholeio Drosias

Drosia K.A’ Primary School, built in 1970, is located in Larnaca, in the south of Cyprus. Situated close to the Salt Lake National Park, it houses 12 teaching classrooms, 2 Special Education Units and classes for other subjects (Library/class for foreign students, Music class, Special Education and Speech Therapy). It’s one of the largest primary schools in Cyprus consisting of almost 300 students (ages 6-9 years).
The social and educational status of the parents is very high, resulting high expectations from their children. Due to these demands, we have developed a three-year strategic plan in which it’s stated that “with love, determination, tolerance and patience we aim to contribute to the creation of democratic citizens and a sustainable school that moves ahead, thinks, participates, loves, imagines, creates and accepts”.