Presented the project in an Erasmus+ transnational meeting in Strömsund, Sweden.
The project “Communication and Education by Transmedia” was presented in an Erasmus+ transnational meeting in Strömsund, Sweden. The...

Presented the project in a Postgraduate Course of the University of Girona Foundation
Friday 31 of March 2017, the coordinator of the project presented the project in the Postgraduate Course in CLIL (CLIL / EMILE):...

The project presented in Livorno, in a Regional Training meeting for teachers.
The coordinator of the Erasmus+ Project "Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future...

Program of the presentation project in Livorno
#results #livorno #itigalileogalilei

Collecting the results of an excellent work…
The project "Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future classroom" nominated as EXAMPLE OF...

Our publication in the "VIII Latina Congress of Social Communication"
Today has been presented the book "Communication and Education by Transmedia" (Nuria Fernández-García, Marc Blasco-Duatis and MªCarmen...

The researchers M.Caldeiro and M.Blasco-Duatis presented the 'CET research' at a Internation
This Tuesday 25th of October, the researchers Mari Caldeiro and Marc Blasco Duatis presented the research of our Erasmus+ project...

Our research at the Third International Congress about Transmedia Culture, Communication and Educati
Next Tuesday 25th of October, the researchers Mari Caldeiro and Marc Blasco Duatis will present the research of our Erasmus+ project...

Published the research "Communication and Education by Transmedia"
It has published the book "Communication and Education by Transmedia. Report on ICT skills in four secondary schools in Europe" (in...

Robert Pratten on the back cover of the newspaper La Vanguardia, interviewed by Lluís Amiguet in the
Today has been published the interview of Robert Pratten in the newspaper La Vanguardia, which last April 21 made the journalist Lluís...