Pedagogical Products - Creative Commons Websites
You can find all the information about CC license and the details you might need to know in:
In the remote case you notice that a specific website no longer exists, please let us know in order to remove it from the list. The websites are not created by our team so we don’t have control over their status. Also, if you are already using any interesting or educationally helpful websites under CC license, we will be pleased to upload your contribution to our website after our pedagogical committee’s evaluation. The email you can send your contributions is: educationtransmedia@gmail.com
The websites in this section are selected carefully by our team to give to all interested parts (teachers, students, parents etc) a solution to the problem of finding and using videos, music, texts and images without having to worry about the intellectual property rights or the copyrights. We believe that it is of utmost importance to respect the intellectual rights of all creators and we need to convey this mentality to our students especially when this respect is a legal obligation that we all, and more we as teachers, have to protect and preserve.
All of these websites are a product of continuous search by our team in order to find websites under Creative Commons’ license. This license is actually a permission given by the creators of a product to the interested parts and by this anyone can use their product, adapt it, circulate it or modify it. Of course, there are different CC licenses that apply to the needs that both the users and creators have. Also, some websites offer various resources (videos, music, images) but in our classification you can find them only in one section of our site. Make sure you read the short descriptions to discover them!
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