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Communication & Education by Transmedia Congress 2016 (CETCongress16)

A. Conferences and Roundtables


Conference 1: Transformative Transmedia Experiences

Roundtable 1: The future of education with transmedia ecology

Phd. Ricard Rigall, Phd. Joaquim Majó, Mrs. Glòria Plana, Mrs. Deborah Johnson and Mrs. Lluisa Teixidor.

By Mr. Robert Pratten and presented by Nuria Fernández.

By PhD. Muriel Robinson; PhD. Concha Mateos; 

Mr. Robert Pratten & Mrs. Belén Santa-Olalla and moderated by Nuria Fernández.

Conference 2: Contentious technologies and education for the future

Roundtable 2: Erasmus+ Roundtable discussion

Roundtable 3: La revolución de los medios de comunicación en la universidad

By Phd. Muriel Robinson and presented by Celia Andreu.

Conference 3: Transmedia Literacy

Moderated by: Mrs. Montserrat Montagut & Mr. Andrés Ajo.

By PhD. Joan Ferrés; PhD. Charo de Mateo; PhD. Agustín García Matilla & PhD. José Ignacio Aguaded and moderated by: Carmen Echazarreta

By PhD. Carlos Alberto Scolari and presented by Ana Mª Guerra

B. Papers by panels

Panle 1: Games and education

1. La narrativa transmedia y los videojuegos como herramientas educativas: un estudio de caso

Escalas Ruiz, ​Mª Isabel - Universitat de les Illes Balears.

2.“Branded Music Transmedia”: El transmèdia a la música des dels seus començaments.

Giménez, Andrea - Universitat de Girona.

3. Ludoliteracy: The unfinished business of Media literacy.

Aranda, Daniel and Martínez, Sílvia - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Panle 2: ICT in the school

1. Multimodal representations of foreign language learning experiences.

Suárez Vilagran, Mª del Mar  - Universitat de Barcelona.

2. Connected learning through transmedia: from the past to the present - La Familia Telerín.

Cortés, Sara; De la Fuente, Julián; García Pernía, María Ruth and Martínez Borda, Rut - University of Alcalá

3. Usos educativos de la Narrativa Transmedia. El caso de la Carta Ancestral.

Molas, Núria and Rodríguez Illera, José Luis - Universitat de Barcelona

Panle 3: Education, transmedia and communication

1. “Tirabirak / Tiras que aflojan”: A transmedia production about the violence in the Basque Country through the  newspaper cartoons.

Mimenza, Libe; Narbaiza, Bea and Arana, Edorta - University of the Basque Country.

2. Education in virtual world. E-learning in elementary and hich schools.

Dudacek, Oto - Universitat de Girona.

3. Popular Festivities (traditional events) in the context of formal and informal education and transmedia: social construction of knowledge for territorial development.

Bernad  Monferrer, Mª Estela; Fernández Fernández, Cesáreo and Torres Valdés, Rosa María - Universitat Jaume I.

Panle 4: Social communication and ICT

1. Transmedia formats for the public television. The case of the shutdown of RTVV (Spain).

Galán, Esteban - Universitat Jaume I de Catelló

2. '4Sustainable': An Erasmus+ Project to create collaboratively, teach locally, share globally and act sustainably.

Arenas Peiró, José Maria - Institut Joan Salvat Papasseit

3. Transformem, comunitats professionals d'aprenentatge i educació transmèdia

Soria, Lorena and Gaitan Clarà, Jordi- Consell Comarcal de La Selva.


Panle 5: Open minds for european citizens (Erasmus+ roundtable)

1. The Future in our Hands: Creating European Entrepreneurs.

Komodiki, Antigoni - 23 Primary School of Limassol, Limassol (Cyprus).


Degan, Maddalena - ITI Galileo Galilei, Livorno (Italy).

3."The Time Banking 2.0".

Bofill Blanch, Josep - Institut La Miquela, Catalonia (Spain).

4. It is never just mobility: The role of Erasmus in the Internationalization of Higher Education.

Carvalho, Joaquim - Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal).

5. “Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future classroom”.

Blasco Fernández, Josep Antoni - Institut de Palamós, Catalonia (Spain) and Eliadou, Stella - Dimotiko Sholeio Drosias, Larnaka (Cyprus).

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