Pedagogical Products - Apps
You can find the adapted Harry Walker rubric and the Evaluation Grid of our pedagogical committee in:
In the remote case that you notice an app that is not working properly, please let us know in order to remove it from the list. The apps are not created by our team so we don’t have control over their status. Also, if you are already using any interesting or educationally helpful apps, we will be pleased to upload your contribution to our website after our pedagogical committee’s evaluation. The email you can send your contributions is: educationtransmedia@gmail.com
In this section of our site you will find a plethora of apps which are a product of our continuous search to find quality material helpful to the teachers of all subjects and all levels. These apps have been selected carefully by our partners with specific criteria. We used the Harry Walker rubric (adapted by our team) which is a worldwide recognized and accepted tool for evaluating apps. By this rubric we have discarded numerous apps and we have selected only those that matched the carefully selected criteria of the rubric.
In order to verify that the apps selected were of the highest quality, the pedagogical committee of our project has evaluated the selected apps using different criteria than the rubric. By these criteria the apps were evaluated by matters of essential and advanced topics and whether they promote 21st century skills. Thus, the apps selected in this final stage and uploaded to our website are apps that we trust to be of the best quality.
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