Apps – Language

Subject: English Age: 10-15 – Evaluation code: 9-3-1 Description: This app is a very interesting way for students to learn the phrasal verbs. There is a presentation animated by cartoons for each phrasal verb.

Subject: English Age: 10-15 – Evaluation code: 9-3-1 Description: This app is a very interesting way for students to learn the phrasal verbs. There is a presentation animated by cartoons for each phrasal verb.

Subject: Literacy Age: 6-9 – Evaluation code: 9-2-1 Description: Literacy activities for early years and Grade 1 (for children at the age 5-7).

Subject: Greek Language Age: 6-18 – Evaluation code: 9-2-0 Description: The app contains over 2000 words and phrases that are divided into multiple learning topics, such as: greetings, family, foods and drinks, parts of a house, parts of the body e.t.c. An easy way for learning how to speak Greek.

Subject: Greek Language Age: 6-18 – Evaluation code: 9-1-0 Description: This is the perfect 'kick-starter' App for learning those difficult verbs and conjugations. This highly stimulating Award Winning memory App will show you how to learn the verbs and their key conjugations 7 times faster than any other traditional method. Also with full pronunciation from a native speaker and the ability to add your own verbs and conjugations this App is perfectly suited for students of all levels.

Subject: English Age: 10-18 – Evaluation code: 9-0-2 Description: The student interacts with the app through speech recognition software that recreates a real video call. The student talks in English with a video character while automatic speech recognition understands and rates your speech. You get instant colour-coded feedback on your pronunciation.

Subject: French Age: 6-8 – Evaluation code: 9-2-1 Description: Educational Baby Flash Cards in French features over 450 high quality images with text and voice overs. There are additional real sounds where applicable (such as a lion's roar or an ambulance siren) to enhance visual and auditory learning and memory simultaneously.

Subject: Italian Language Age: 16-18 – Evaluation code: 9-1-0 Description: It is an APP made by the Ministry of Education for the Olympics of Italian 2014. It is a quiz with 10 levels on Italian language and grammar. Each level consists of 5 questions, to which the user must respond with a percentage of correct answers enough to enter the next level.

Subject: English Age: 13 - 18 – Evaluation code: 9-1-1 Description: English Listening app. Offers real, everyday English conversations to improve your listening skills. Each video and podcast comes with audio scripts and comprehension exercises. It one of the apps provided by the British Council for EFL.

Subject : ENGLISH Age: 13 - 18 – Evaluation code: 9-0-1 Description: English Speaking tool. The app offers 20-minute lessons to be used easily in one lesson sitting. It contains short real English videos, interactive Audio Lessons. New vocabulary is presented in flashcard style. This allows students to learn the meaning of any unfamiliar words quickly and easily, even with the help of handy English translations.

Subject: ENGLISH Age: 10 – 18 – Evaluation code: 9-2-2 Description: English writing aid. It allows users to send better texts and higher quality writing; it has grammar and spell check, although it works only in English and can require the help of the teacher to work with.Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Useful for special needs student.

Subject: ENGLISH Age: 6 – 18 – Evaluation code: 9-1-1 Description: English Vocabulary App. It is both an app and global platform of millions of teachers, parents, students, and lifelong learners. The app gives access to over 100,000 flashcards that include pictures and audio, allowing you to create new flashcards , backup the custom flashcards online, sync and share content across devices, and provides access to lessons from other teachers as well.
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