The project presented in Livorno, in a Regional Training meeting for teachers.
The coordinator of the Erasmus+ Project "Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future...

Program of the presentation project in Livorno
#results #livorno #itigalileogalilei
Team CET Buzau disseminates Livorno meeting by a movie
During 26 february – 03 March 2015, Erasmus team from National College “B. P Hasdeu” traveled to the city of Livorno, Italy, to attend...
Interview with Prof. Agen for "Flash" radio Livorno
The Prof. Federico Agen and the student Stefano Rinaldi of the ITI 'Galileo Galilei' have spoken on the Flash Radio of Livorno, about the...

The second Meeting in Livorno ends
The second Meeting ends and the partners return to their respective countries. The next Meeting will be held in Palamos from April 14th...

Stefano Rinaldi awarded to travel to the Third Meeting
Stefano Rinaldi, student from the ITI Galileo Galilei, has been awarded to travel to Palamos in the third Meeting, for his commitment to...

Last Working Sessions in Livorno
The last Working Sessions day: 9:00 – 10:00 ▷ Working Session V: Activities in Florence 9:00 – 10:00 Debate and evaluation (@...

The Vice Mayor of Livorno, Ms. Stella Sorgente, receives the CET team.
#meetinglivorno #vicemayor #livorno #present #presents