Over 1000 viewers visited our web site!
The web site of the project, has received, in one month, 1000 new viewers and over 2000 visits. The impact of the site is much over than...

Open invitation to participate in the Transmedia e-twinning course
Our team has the pleasure to announce that our project is expanding rapidly through the social media (833 followers from 17 countries)...

The team of Cyprus students!
The team of Cypriots students, they will participate in the 4 Meetings / Learning–teaching–training activities:

The team of Romanian students
The team of Romanian students, they will participate in the 4 Meetings / Learning–teaching–training activities: #romanianteam #students...
Team CET Buzau disseminates Livorno meeting by a movie
During 26 february – 03 March 2015, Erasmus team from National College “B. P Hasdeu” traveled to the city of Livorno, Italy, to attend...
The coordinator spoke at the radio debate on the #MWC15 in RAC1
The coordinator of the CET Project spoke tonight at the program "La Nit to RAC1" of the "Association of Catalonia Radio". The debate has...

The School Council of Catalonia in favor of the responsible use of mobile in the schools
The president of the School Council of Catalonia, Fernando Ruiz, presented today at Mobile World Congress a report on "mobile...

More than 100 visits a day on the website!
Yesterday was the day that more people visited the website of the CET project. Catalonia, Italy, Cyprus... are the countries that more...

The CET Project in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona
The CET Project coordinator, Josep Antoni Blasco, has been invited by the Department of Education of the government 'Generalitat de...
Video of the Second Meeting in Livorno
We are pleased to present the video of the second Meeting of the CET project in Livorno: #video #itigalileogalilei #meeting...