Certificates to the participants of the fifth meeting
The principals of the ‘Pagkyprio Lykeio’ and ‘Dimotiko Sholeio Drosias’, their coordinators and the project coordinator presented the...

Students and teachers from secondary schools present their projects in the working session
In several working sessions for teachers and students, each secondary school will present the projects selected as pedagogical tools:...

The Mayor of Larnaca, Mr. Andreas Louroutziatis, receives the CET team in the House of Arts and Lite
The mayor of Larnaca, Mr. Andreas Louroutziatis, has received the CET team at the offices of the ‘House of Arts and Literature’:...

A present for the Principals of ‘Pagkyprio Lykeio’ and ‘Dimotiko Sholeio Drosias’
The Coordinator of the CET Project presented the project’s plaque as a present for the Principals of ‘Pagkyprio Lykeio’ and ‘Dimotiko...

The fifth meeting in Larnaca begins!
The institutions associated with the project initiated the fifth meeting and the seminars about ‘moodle courses’ in the school. #larnaca...

Pagkyprio team presents their work on 'Disorders of addiction to new technologies sexting'
The teachers of Pagkyprio presented their wrok on "Disorders of addiction to new technologies-sexting": #pagkyprio #meeting...