CET, selected as one of the most prominent projects in Catalonia
The project "Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future classroom" has been selected as one of the most prominent in Catalonia.
The Department of Education of the Catalan Government, by its Foreign Languages Department, has selected our project as one of the best European projects in Catalonia, after being informed of its contents and the activities that the project is developing.
The official web site of the Department of Education http://www.xtec.cat/, it’s the one that thousands of schools, teachers, students and parents use every day to get the information and news about education in Catalonia, where about 7.5 million of people live. This web site receives everyday thousands of visits.
In this link you can find the information about our project and the link to our website.
This is another small grain of sand to make our project bigger.
Congratulations to all the teams of the project.