Published the research "Communication and Education by Transmedia"

It has published the book "Communication and Education by Transmedia. Report on ICT skills in four secondary schools in Europe" (in English and Spanish) in the "Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación" collection of the "Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social, SLCS" from La Laguna (Spain). The book is the result of the research carried out in the Erasmus+ project.
The research has been led by PhD. Nuria Fernández Garcia (Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB), the PhD. candidate Marc Blasco Duatis (Universitat de Girona - UdG) and the PhD. Mari Carmen Caldeiro Pedreira.
The report present the results of the research of the Erasmus+ Project (2014/2016) Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future classroom –funded by the European Commission –, about the pedagogical processes and dynamics of ICT in their incorporation in four European, secondary, educational centers. The text presents the results of the study concerning the opinion of the group of teachers, students (from 15 to 18 years) and their families in the public secondary schools of Palamós (Spain), Larnaca (Cyprus), Livorno (Italy) and Buzau (Romania), and in relation to the implementation status of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the communication in each school.
With the aim to visualize the dynamics of innovation and the pedagogical realities proposed in each case, in the information and knowledge society, the report develops at the same time, a revision regarding the status of the art of binomial education and new technologies, ending with a set of conclusions and proposals towards an inclusive and sustained vision in media ecology that comes to reclaim the importance of transmedia in digital practices of the entire educational community.