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PANEL 1: Wednesday, 20 April 2016 / 12:00 - 13:30h


Topics: Interactivity, co-creation of digital content for education; The gamification of education: games and video games as an educational resource; New formats narrative. Digital platforms of social networking in education.

Coordination: Mrs. Ana Mª Guerra

1. La narrativa transmedia y los videojuegos como herramientas educativas: un estudio de caso

Escalas Ruiz, ​Mª Isabel - Universitat de les Illes Balears.

2.“Branded Music Transmedia”: El transmèdia a la música des dels seus començaments.

Giménez, Andrea - Universitat de Girona.

3. Ludoliteracy: The unfinished business of Media literacy.

Aranda, Daniel and Martínez, Sílvia - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

PANEL 2: Wednesday, 20 April 2016 / 15:30 - 17:00h


Topics: Education in virtual worlds: E-learning in the different educational levels,  MOOC (Massive online open courses); The integration of ICT in the school's educational project and in the classroom; Internet security. Responsible use of the network.

Coordination: Mrs. Ana Mª Guerra

1. Multimodal representations of foreign language learning experiences.

Suárez Vilagran, Mª del Mar  - Universitat de Barcelona.

2. Connected learning through transmedia: from the past to the present - La Familia Telerín.

Cortés, Sara; De la Fuente, Julián; García Pernía, María Ruth and Martínez Borda, Rut - University of Alcalá

3. Usos educativos de la Narrativa Transmedia. El caso de la Carta Ancestral.

Molas, Núria and Rodríguez Illera, José Luis - Universitat de Barcelona

PANEL 3: Thursday, 21 April 2016 / 10:00 - 11:30h


Topics: Educate in transmedia: collective intelligence, media convergence and prosumers in the classroom learning; The incorporation of APP's as learning education software in the classroom; Mobile technologies: use and regulation in the classroom in the XXI century.

Coordination: Mr. Esteban Galán

1. “Tirabirak / Tiras que aflojan”: A transmedia production about the violence in the Basque Country through the  newspaper cartoons.

Mimenza, Libe; Narbaiza, Bea and Arana, Edorta - University of the Basque Country.

2. Education in virtual world. E-learning in elementary and hich schools.

Dudacek, Oto - Universitat de Girona.

3. Popular Festivities (traditional events) in the context of formal and informal education and transmedia: social construction of knowledge for territorial development.

Bernad  Monferrer, Mª Estela; Fernández Fernández, Cesáreo and Torres Valdés, Rosa María - Universitat Jaume I.

PANEL 4:Thursday, 21 April 2016 / 15:30 - 17:00h


Topics: Technology Gap; Gender and ICT; Educational radio, educational television, educational technology.

Coordination: Mr. Pablo Andrés Escandón

1. Transmedia formats for the public television. The case of the shutdown of RTVV (Spain).

Galán, Esteban - Universitat Jaume I de Catelló

2. '4Sustainable': An Erasmus+ Project to create collaboratively, teach locally, share globally and act sustainably.

Arenas Peiró, José Maria - Institut Joan Salvat Papasseit

3. Transformem, comunitats professionals d'aprenentatge i educació transmèdia

Soria, Lorena and Gaitan Clarà, Jordi- Consell Comarcal de La Selva.


PANEL 0: Thursday, 21 April 2016 / 17:00 - 18:30h


(to explain Erasmus+ experiences)

Coordination: Mrs. Montserrat Montagut & Mr. Andrés Ajo

1. The Future in our Hands: Creating European Entrepreneurs.

Komodiki, Antigoni - 23 Primary School of Limassol, Limassol (Cyprus).


Degan, Maddalena - ITI Galileo Galilei, Livorno (Italy).

3."The Time Banking 2.0".

Bofill Blanch, Josep - Institut La Miquela, Catalonia (Spain).

4. It is never just mobility: The role of Erasmus in the Internationalization of Higher Education.

Carvalho, Joaquim - Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal).

5. “Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future classroom”.

Blasco Fernández, Josep Antoni - Institut de Palamós, Catalonia (Spain) and Eliadou, Stella - Dimotiko Sholeio Drosias, Larnaka (Cyprus).

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