Paper proposals
Proposals for papers shoud be sent to the Conference Secretary before April 6, 2016 at 12.00 m. (closed) using the email educationtransmedia@gmail.com.
Received proposals will be assessed by the Scientific Committee of the Congress and their resolution will be available within a maximum period of three weeks from receiving the proposal.
Accepted proposals will be posted on the web. The participants may consult these in advance to facilitate their discussion on the panels.
In these sessions the authors will show an individual presentation of their papers (10-15 minutes), and will participate in the analysis and discussion with the rest of the attendees.
Download the pattern of the "Paper proposal", fill in according to the rules described in the tab "Characteristics and requeriments of the paper proposals" and send it to: educationtransmedia@gmail.com
Write in the mail your full name and surname as well as the members who participated in the paper, a contact phone number, your country and an abbreviated curriculum vitae of the speakers who will participate in the panel.
As the subject of your mail, you must indicate:
Characteristics and requirements of the paper proposals
Paper proposals must be a resumed presentation of a work or experience fitting the thematic axes of the Congress. Its lenght must be between 7.500 and 10.000 characters (with spaces). Sections below must be included:
Abstract (Minimum length: 500 characters with spaces. Maximum length 700 characters with spaces)
Author/s (Don't included the name of the author/s in the pattern, only in the email)
Conclusions and prospective
Questions and/or considerations to discussion
Special attention will be paid to assessing the following aspects:
Clear definition of objectives
Coherence of the content
Presence of innovative elements
Well-defined conclusions
Formulating questions for the debate
Download pattern of the paper proposals.
At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must be registered for the conference in order to include this paper in the programme and in the digital publication.
Special collective book publication (ISSN)
The organization of the CET Congress and the editorial team of "Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (RLCS)" will edit a publication of the full texts of the plenary sessions, the summary of the round-tables, the accepted full papers and the research of the Erasmus+ CET Project in a collective book 'CAC' (Cuadernos Artesanos de Comunicación: www.cuadernosartesanos.org) in the scientific journal of communication "Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (RLCS)" under ISSN, Q1 in 'H Index Communication Journals': www.revistalatinacs.org
Authors interested in inlcuding their paper in the collective book 'CAC' may submit it within the deadline April 1, 2016 and fill in the registration of one of the authors before April 1, 2016. Otherwise, it will be part of the Congress programme, but will not be included in the digital publication.
IMPORTANT! For the full text to be included in the digital publication, it is essential to finalize the registration of one of the authors before April 1, 2016.
The presentation of the communication work in the CET'16 must be in English. The papers to be published in the collective book 'CAC' of Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (RLCS) may be written in Catalan, Spanish, English, Portuguese or French.
To obtain the Paper Presentation Certification, the author (registered to the conference) must assist in the Panel discussion were the work is presented.
The CET’16 Congress Organization has planed to disseminate, publish or communicate the material of the contributions included in the CET’16 Congress programme, entirely or partially, without commercial benefits, exclusively with research and teaching support or illustration purposes. The CET’16 Congress authors accept, by participating in it, to transfer, non exclusively, without territorial or temporary limits, the corresponding exploitation rights as authors, authorizing CET’16 to disseminate, publish or communicate their work in any media, Internet included, and authorizes the incorporation of the documents in an open access electronic database.
The Congress Organization CET'16, saves the right to unify panels should minimum enrollment is not reached.
With the collaboration of: