A present for the Director of the ITI 'Galileo Galilei'.
The Coordinator of the CET Project presented the project’s plaque as a present for the Director of the ITI 'Galileo Galilei':...

Safety in e-mails and images: A conference imparted by A. Antonini and B. Cacelli
#meetinglivorno #meeting #workingsession #conference #saferinternet #saveinternet #erasmus

Third day of meeting in Livorno
9:00 – 10:00 ▷ Seminar - part one: Safety in Internet @ Auditorium “Aula Magna” 9:00 - 9:15 Introduction 9:15 - 10:00: “ Safety in...

Farewell dinner of the second Meeting in Livorno
Coordinators and teachers participated in the Second Meeting's farewell dinner in the restaurant of the "Yacht Club Livorno":...

CET, selected as one of the most prominent projects in Catalonia
The project "Transmedia: a new narrative that involves communication and education towards the future classroom" has been selected as one...

The CET team visited Peniche
The Erasmus+ team visited Peniche from the lighthouse 'Cabo Carvoeiro': #erasmus #meetingportugal #meetingcaldas #peniche

The CET Project group visited the "Agrupamento de Escolas de Autoguia de Baleia"
The coordinators of the CET Project visited the "Agrupamento de Escolas de Autoguia de Baleia", and the coordinator of the CET Project...

The last Working Sessions...
Today, we had the last two Working Sessions in the 'Escola Secundaria Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro' with this program: 8.30h - 9.30h: Working...

Weekend visits in Coimbra, Lisboa and Nazaré.
The coordinators' team of the project institutions, visited the cities of Coimbra, Lisboa and Nazaré during the weekend. In Coimbra, the...

A present for the Director of the 'Escola Bordalo Pinheiro'.
The Coordinator of the CET Project presented the project’s plaque as a present for the Director of the 'Escola Bordalo Pinheiro':...