Colegiul National 'B.P. Hasdeu' celebrated on Tuesday, February 10th, the 12th Safer Internet Day

Teachers and students from Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu National College celebrated on Tuesday 10 february The 12th Safer Internet Day by sharing informations concerning online safety.
The activity celebrated this event by conceiving a set of rules for users (parents- students- teachers), rules identified after intensive debating with the parties involved in the process. Within the activity, parents expressed their concern about the potential internet attacks that their children might encounter and students, paretns and teachers worked in groups in order to come up with a successful action plan to stop vilence on line, to actively fight against cyber-bullying and to identify ways of detecting threats on line.
They obtained a suggestive presentation aiming at personal protection on online networks, films, animations, all of which surprising by their case studies, the most common encountered hazards in teh field of IT.
In order to make the project and the risks more visible and more impactful to the large audience, students spread out information flyers both in school ( to the members of the secretarial office, accounting services and library, all at risk if not informed) and outside the school premises, promoting the correct principles of secure and correct use of the Internet network.
The pleasant surprise was the fact that the members of the public were open to discussion and the information was received with interest, all acknowledging hte importance of such actions among teenagers and adults alike.