The fourth Meeting in Buzău ends
Students and teachers meet in Buzău to celebrate the farewell dinner. The third Meeting ends and the partners return to their respective...

The teachers visited the 'Vulcanii Noroioși'
#vulcaniinoroiosi #buzau #visitbuzau #cetprojectbuzau

The campus television in the fourth meeting in Buzău
​ ​​ #buzau #media #campustelevision #cetprojectbuzau #meetingbuzau

The CET team visited Bucharest
On Saturday 17th of Octover the Erasmus+ team visited different places of city of Buzău, such as: The Parliament. It was formerly known...

The CET team visited Buzău
On Saturday 17th of october the Erasmus+ team visited different places of the Buzău city, such as: the Communal Palace, Crâng Park, the...

Students and teachers from secondary schools present their projects in the first working session
In several working sessions for teachers and students, each secondary school will present the projects selected as pedagogical tools:...

A present for the Principal of B.P. Hasdeu
The Coordinator of the CET Project presented the project’s plaque as a present for the Principal of the B.P. Buzau: #buzau #meetingbuzau...

Colegiul National 'B.P. Hasdeu' celebrated on Tuesday, February 10th, the 12th Safer Internet Day
Teachers and students from Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu National College celebrated on Tuesday 10 february The 12th Safer Internet Day by...

The CET Project in the journal VIATA of Buzau
Students give detailed testimonies of what their generation believes is positive about the use of Internet for homework or modern...